Genius Challenge 2022

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We all have ideas that pop into our minds and might have the business potential, but at the end of the day do not materialize. The first step is always the hardest and this is why we are here- to push you and guide you towards that first clickable prototype. 

If you have a novel idea that solves a problem under the sectors of FINTECHEDUTECH, HEALTHTECH or CYBERSECURITY – now is the time to share it with others!

A team of experienced mentors will be there to guide you through the process of getting from an idea to a prototype in 48 hours. Tech and design mentors to help you to build the minimum viable product and business mentors who will show you how to validate the idea and sell it.

Our about



These are the steps involved

Phase 1 - registration

Step 1: Form a team

Form a team consisting of

  • 3 developers
  • 2 theme specialists

Step 2: Register and Quiz

Register for the hackathon by filling the registration form and taking a skill assessment quiz. Team registrations are accepted but your team must meet the team formation requirements

Step 3: Publication of selected teams

Phase 2 - Hacking

Step 4: Problem Statement

Think of an idea you would like to tackle and share it with us. We’ll screen your idea for novelty while you start creating a team around your idea (optional). Please read the team formation requirements. We will also help you gather people around your idea.

Step 5: Beginning Hackathon

At the beginning of the hackathon we will form teams around the best ideas – please don’t worry if you don’t have an idea or if your idea wasn’t selected, you are more than welcome to participate in the hackathon by joining teams to work together!

Step 6: Prototype

During the 48 hours, you will work with your team and with the mentors to build a working prototype by the end of the hackathon and sell it to the jury!

Step 7: Working Prototype

All the finished prototypes will be evaluated and the best teams will get rewarding prizes that will give you the tools to further develop these ideas


Download Guide now 


Deadline to register and submit your idea: 1st November, 2022

Genius Challenge Hackathon:  28th of November to 4th of December, 2022

We want to grow a strong community of developers, designers, entrepreneurs, startuppers and innovators with all of our events. Join us now!

For the hackathon, we are welcoming all young people – regardless of age, gender or nationality. If you have the spark inside and passion to make the world better, please join us for the Genius Challenge hackathon!



Teams will be presented with cyber security challenges that affects the society to solve and work on.

Edutech (Educational Technology)

Teams will propose and build software applications that will be used to enhance or automate financial services and processes

Fintech (Financial Technology)

Teams will propose and build software applications that will be used to enhance or automate financial services and processes.

Healthtech (Health Technology)

Teams will propose and build software applications that will be used to enhance or automate financial services and processes

Best teams will receive access to the incubation program by P2A where you can win monetary grants up to 2,000,000 Fcfa!
Make sure to attend the Facebook event for the latest updates:
Link To Event
In case of questions get in touch with us at  

Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers


The Genius challenge will be held in August 2022 and will take place over a period of 3 months.

What are the benefits?

prizes that range from project funding/incubation, cash prizes, gadgets, sponsor awards, popularity awards and opportunities to foster their careers while having fun.

Who can participate

 Business professional, Students, Pupils of classes leaving secondary school and  the general public.

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